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International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications

International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications (IJRFITA)

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International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Impact of RFID technology on the performance of multi-echelon supply chains   Order a copy of this article
    by Leticia Cavazos, J. David Porter, Hector Vergara 
    Abstract: Radio frequency identification (RFID) has long been regarded as an automated data collection technology that promises solutions to inefficiencies found in supply chains, such as excessive inventory stock, inventory obsolescence, stockouts, and theft. The main objective of this research was to identify, analyse, and discuss supply chain performance factors that affect the performance of multi-echelon supply chains when RFID technology is implemented. To accomplish this objective, the performance of two supply chain designs using different levels of accuracy and implementation of RFID technology was evaluated via discrete event simulation. The results obtained suggest that several factors affect the performance of multi-echelon supply chains when RFID technology is implemented with respect to the response variables total number of stockouts and fill rate. It was also observed that even with the implementation of RFID technology, the fill rates observed at different echelons in both supply chain designs were not very high. Understanding the potential impact of these critical supply chain performance factors would allow organisations to better comprehend under which circumstances RFID-based inventory management systems can better support real-time inventory tracking and localisation.
    Keywords: discrete event simulation; multi-echelon; RFID; single-echelon; supply chain.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJRFITA.2021.10035013
  • RFID-GPS based vehicle detection for intelligent transportation systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Pankaj Tasgaonkar, Rahul Dev Garg, Pradeep Kumar Garg 
    Abstract: Badrinath is one of the holiest pilgrimages of the Chardham yatra of Hindu devotees. Tracking of the vehicles is required as the road is flowing through the Himalayan range and always has the possibility of accidents and landslides. The system has been integrated with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global Positioning System (GPS) for tracking the vehicles. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed with Visual Studio 2019. The monitoring station can keep a track of the passed vehicles whenever the RFID tag is scanned, the vehicle details are stored in the database with the Time-stamp. GSM/ GPRS module is used for transmitting the real-time location on the mobile phone. The coordinates can be visualized on the smartphone with google maps. The prototype will be very beneficial for the commuters traveling to Badrinath with the Intelligent Transportation Systems.
    Keywords: RFID; GPS; vehicle tracking; intelligent transportation systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJRFITA.2022.10052360