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International Journal of Sustainable Design

International Journal of Sustainable Design (IJSDes)

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International Journal of Sustainable Design (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Sustainable Product Information - a case study of an environmental media tool for products in Japan   Order a copy of this article
    by Edilson Ueda 
    Abstract: This research is an experimental case study of a bridge tool between the products and consumers living in Japan, exploring the situation of environmental media tools, such as eco-mark and user manual of an improvement or innovative product with sustainability approaches. Analysis of eco-marks and a questionnaire related to consumers’ considerations towards sustainable products and their environmental information through their medial tool found significant results. According to the results, most consumers express they have checked the label of products but have discarded them. Consumers say they have kept the development user manual, but they have read it sometimes, and they did not show the eco-marks in the current marketing of products. These results and issues led to the proposal of an environmental information tool for products to facilitate consumer recognition of their environmental information. This concept could promote sustainable consumption and incentivise companies to implement more sustainable products in future marketing.
    Keywords: environmental information; eco-marks; eco-labelling; user manual; media tool; sustainable product; eco-product.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSDES.2023.10053478