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International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJSEI)

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International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Understanding the journey: Challenges, opportunities, and pathways for refugee entrepreneurship   Order a copy of this article
    by Ujal Ibrahim, Martha Archuleta, Brad Lundahl, Caren Frost 
    Abstract: Entrepreneurship has the potential to aid refugees in integrating into the host country and adapting to mainstream life. The purpose of this study was to explore the entrepreneurship journey of refugees and its impact on their integration process in the USA. Findings of the study derived from semi-structured, individual interviews conducted with entrepreneurs from refugee backgrounds. The emergent overarching themes indicated that despite encountering language, culture, regulatory, and system-related barriers, as well as limited access to business funds and mainstream business resources, the entrepreneurship experiences of refugees gave them a sense of autonomy, freedom, and hope for a brighter future.
    Keywords: refugee; entrepreneurship; refugee entrepreneurship; refugee entrepreneurs; refugee integration; migration; integration.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEI.2023.10062456
  • Entrepreneurial Immigrants: Powering Innovation in Canada   Order a copy of this article
    by Masihullah Nemat 
    Abstract: This study investigates how immigrant entrepreneurship drives invention and socio-economic progress in Canada. The research investigation aims to fill the gaps in comprehension of the accomplishments, difficulties, and lessons learned of immigrant businesses and looks at successful policy measures as well as assistance mechanisms in Canada. In the literature review, key theories, ideas, and models related to immigrant businesses and creativity are examined, including the Triple Helix model, social capital theory, and the push-pull theory of entrepreneurship. The data are analysed using thematic analysis, which leads to key insights into immigrant businesses and their ingenuity. It offers policy recommendations based on solid research. In order to make the best use of the talents of immigrant corporate executives and contribute to Canada's economic growth via innovation, the research concludes that a favourable and welcoming entrepreneurial environment must be developed.
    Keywords: Immigrant entrepreneurship; provincial nominee program; innovation; creativity; business incubators and accelerators; social capital theory; Push-pull theory; triple helix model; business start-up.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSEI.2024.10064413