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International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing

International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM)

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International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Mapping the Judo Sports Ecosystem: Proposition and Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Aline Marian Callegaro, Ana Paula Kloeckner, Felipe Magno, Ricardo A. Cassel, Rosiane Serrano, Daniel Pacheco Lacerda 
    Abstract: The sport sector interacts with various segments and industrial and commercial sectors. Thus, we infer that sport comprises an ecosystem, as it gathers a community of economic actors. From this perspective, mapping and understanding the operation of the Judo Ecosystem is of great interest. This study uses exploratory field research as the procedure. A model was built and validated through expert interviews from sports modality and ecosystem theme. The findings showed that the sports system as a whole does not obey a flow, since the objects in it are of different natures. The validation of the model shows its economic importance and the ecosystem actors must understand that they are part of a business ecosystem. As the actors take initiatives based on knowledge, sports practice occupy a more significant share of the Brazilian GDP. The need for professionalisation of actors to enable efficient, qualified management of each participant.
    Keywords: judo ecosystem; sport; economic sector; business ecosystem; model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2023.10061421
  • The effects of a sport team's involvement regarding corporate social responsibility on fans' pride and intention to donate: The moderating effects of urgency with involvement   Order a copy of this article
    by Jaewon Chang, Jeeyoon Kim, Daniel Connaughton, Kyoung Tae Kim, Stephen Gonzalez 
    Abstract: Sport teams try to involve their fans in their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to maximise CSR effects, and this study suggests that delivering the urgency of CSR should enhance the effects of fan involvement. For this purpose, this study used panel data to examine the impacts of fan involvement and urgent messages regarding CSR on pride and intention to donate. This study administered an experimental survey and developed four different visual aids and newsfeeds (yes or no regarding: a) fan involvement and b) the urgency of the sport team's CSR activity) to manipulate fan involvement and urgency. The results showed fan involvement could be positively related to pride, and a significant direct two-way ANOVA result regarding fan involvement and urgency to intention to donate was found. Comprehensively, the authors proposed a theoretical model to explain the relationships among CSR fan involvement, urgency of CSR, fans' pride, and intention to donate. Theoretical and practical implications should be discussed.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; fan involvement; urgency; fan pride; donation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2024.10064138