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International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems

International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems (IJSMSS)

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International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Modified punching shear equation of RC flat plate structure considering material and geometric parameters   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, Tahsin Reza Hossain 
    Abstract: In determining the punching shear capacity of flat plate structure, ACI 318/BNBC does not consider the effect of longitudinal reinforcement, the yield stress of steel, slab thickness, and column dimensions and uses a conservative equation. The present paper carried out a parametric study of material and geometric parameters to identify the effects of different parameters on punching shear strength of flat plates and propose a modified punching shear equation. For this, to investigate the influence of several materials and geometric properties, a numerical model of the slab-column joint of RC flat plate has been developed using 'ABAQUS' software. ACI 318/BNBC code provision is more conservative in the case of the punching shear design of flat plates. It underestimates the influence of maximum material and geometric parameters to predict the actual punching capacity. Hence, a modification to the code equation has been discussed and verified.
    Keywords: flat plate structure; slab-column joint; punching shear failure; material parameter; geometric parameter; ABAQUS software.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSMSS.2022.10046895
  • Long-term permeability reduction in concrete with external pre-saturated CFRP laminate   Order a copy of this article
    by Nur Yazdani, Ramya Anandhan, Eyosias Beneberu 
    Abstract: Several studies have investigated the use of regular carbon fibre reinforced polymer (R-CFRP) wraps in reducing chloride ingress and water permeability. However, no similar study has been done to date on pre-saturated CFRP (PS-CFRP). Therefore, the main objective of this research was to investigate the long-term effectiveness of PS-CFRP wraps in preventing corrosion of reinforced concrete specimens by reducing chloride ingress and water permeability. The study was conducted on 16 specimens made of high-strength concrete and 16 specimens from normal-strength concrete. Among these, eight served as control specimens, 12 were wrapped with single-layer R-CFRP and the remaining 12 were wrapped with single-layer PS-CFRP. The amount of chloride that penetrates the specimens was determined by the saline ponding test per ASTM C1152, and the water permeability test was conducted per ASTM C1585. The results showed that PS-CFRP laminate wrapped around high strength and normal strength concrete provided a stronger barrier against chloride ingress and water permeability than R-CFRP wrapped normal and high strength concrete specimens.
    Keywords: CFRP wrapping; concrete durability; chloride content; corrosion; water permeability; diffusion coefficient; concrete permeability.

  • Strengthening concrete: GFRC performance boost through RCA and glass fibre integration   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Mustafa 
    Abstract: Concrete is the most frequently used construction material in the world in spite of having poor performance under tension. Its fragility in tension can be mitigated by adding fibre. Substituting recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) for natural coarse aggregate (NCA) in the construction industry is feasible to lessen the supply-demand imbalance and the harmful environmental effects. In this investigation, partial replacement of NCA with RCA was done to enhance the strength properties of glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC). The fibre contents employed were 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, and 0.75% by volume for GF. RCA components that replaced 0%, 25% and 50% of NCA were used. Investigated mechanical characteristics include compressive strength, split tensile strength, and flexural strength. According to test results, adding 0.75% glass fibre to concrete without RCA produced concrete with high flexural strength. By adding up to 25% of RCA to fibrous mix, concrete’s flexural strength can be enhanced.
    Keywords: glass fibre reinforced concrete; GFRC; alkali resistant glass fibre; AR-GF; flexural strength; masterpolyheed-8395; recycled coarse aggregate; RCA.