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International Journal of Security and Networks

International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN)

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International Journal of Security and Networks (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Information Security Based on Featureless Attack Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Huiru Zhang, Ruixiao Liu, Huijuan Liu 
    Abstract: This study proposes a model for generating and recovering adversarial samples to address the issue of machine learning systems being vulnerable to attacks. The model includes a featureless attack algorithm based on generative adversarial networks and an adversarial sample generation model. The performance of the machine learning system in the face of attacks is evaluated using this model. To address the issue of poor defence against data processing-based adversarial samples, a convolutional neural network-based adversarial sample recovery model is then built to improve the detection and response capability of machine learning systems facing adversarial attacks. The results indicated that under the attack of the featureless attack algorithm, the accuracy of each classifier gradually decreases, and finally lower than 0.1. The bypass rate of the featureless attack algorithm was high, and the probability of the classifier recognising the antagonistic samples was up to 4%. The convolutional neural network-based antagonistic samples recovery model had better image denoising effect and defence effect. In summary, the model constructed by the research has a good application effect, which helps to improve the antagonistic defence ability of the machine learning system and guarantee the information security.
    Keywords: information security; generative adversarial networks; adversarial samples; convolutional neural networks; CNNs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSN.2024.10065630
  • Resource Allocation for Wireless Networks based on Enhanced Harris Hawks Optimisation Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Xianmeng Meng, Cuicui Cai, Linglong Tan, Qijian Wang 
    Abstract: Efficient resource allocation is critical to improve the quality of service in wireless networks. The problem of resource allocation is usually nonconvex and nondeterministic polynomial-hard. Meta-heuristic algorithms are widely used to solve nonconvex optimization problems due to their efficient execution and high iteration accuracy. The Harris Hawk optimisation (HHO) algorithm has recently received attention as an effective approach for addressing various optimisation problems. However, the HHO algorithm is employed for resource allocation issues in WNs and suffers from early convergence and local optimal problems. To overcome these issues, we develop a novel enhanced HHO (EHHO) algorithm with low computational complexity and explore the performance of the EHHO in resource allocation. Firstly, we introduce the power allocation for secrecy rate maximisation and spectrum efficiency trade-off in wireless networks.
    Keywords: resource allocation; meta-heuristic optimization; enhanced Harris Hawks optimization algorithm; secrecy rate maximization; energy-spectral efficiency tradeoff.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSN.2024.10067901