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International Journal of Social Network Mining

International Journal of Social Network Mining (IJSNM)

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International Journal of Social Network Mining (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Community detection using imperialist competitive algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Zahra Mahmoodabadi, Abdorreza Savadi 
    Abstract: The clustering of complex networks has become one of the most fascinating fields in recent years. The clustering of complex networks, including social networks, provides useful information. This information leads to optimal structures in complex networks and is very useful for solving real-world problems. Social network graphs have an important feature that random graphs do not have: community structure. The problem of community detection in social network graphs corresponds to graph partitioning and is an NP-hard problem. Therefore, the application of evolutionary algorithms can be an appropriate solution to this problem. This paper uses the imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) to identify communities within a social network graph. In addition, a parallel version of the ICA was applied to the problem. The results show that the parallel version has better convergence rather than the serial ICA. To compare the performance of ICA with other evolutionary algorithms, we use the PSO algorithm for the community detection problem. The results confirm that parallel ICA (PICA) is superior in both cost value and convergence rate.
    Keywords: parallel ICA; PICA; community detection; social networks; evolutionary algorithms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSNM.2023.10059293