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International Journal of Student Project Reporting

International Journal of Student Project Reporting (IJSPR)

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International Journal of Student Project Reporting (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Applying Command Line Based Chat Tool: Design and Development   Order a copy of this article
    by Rohit Rastogi, Tushar Anand, Shubham Sharma, Sarthak Panwar 
    Abstract: In recent years, the application of chat bots has grown quickly in a variety of industries, including marketing, supporting systems, education, healthcare, cultural heritage, and entertainment. The author will next go over the reasons why people use chat bots, and we'll highlight how useful they are in a number of contexts. Constructing a command-line chat programme. The programme may be used to connect with several individuals on a network and will support various chat rooms. This project will be helpful for anyone who wishes to understand and use client-server architecture while also learning and implementing socket programming. Run complex GUI-based programmes for the most basic activities. Chatting or instant messaging is an easy process. Users can initiate real-time conversations with other users using chat capabilities. Users may also send text messages, photos, videos, and URLs over it. In this project, authors want to create a straightforward command-line chat programme that is user-friendly and has a very basic UI.
    Keywords: chat bot; chat bot architecture; artificial intelligence; machine; learning; natural language understanding; NLU; command line interface; CLI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSPR.2024.10064148
  • Steering of an Underactuated Walking Robot Platform through Terrain Contact of an Additional Leg   Order a copy of this article
    by Ashutosh Dwivedi, Nina Robson 
    Abstract: This article explores steering for underactuated walking robot platforms through terrain contact with an underactuated leg. The authors explore if carefully designing an underactuated steering leg, based on leg-ground contact constraints, that is decoupled from the actuation of the rest of the legs, will yield equal gradual steering capabilities of less than 5-degree increments in both directions. The design approach builds up incrementally starting with defining a relaxed kinematic task with higher order motion specifications related to foot-terrain contact and force constraints, followed by creating an eight-bar steering leg incorporated within a six-legged walking platform. Experimental tests show that the proposed approach yields an adaptable behaviour which allows the platform to steer in three different environments: sand, pavement, and grass at less than 5-degree angle increments. The primary contribution of this paper is the carefully designed steering leg with incorporated conditions on foot-environment interaction able to generate sustained turning forces.
    Keywords: multi-legged robots; steering leg design; kinematic synthesis for foot-terrain interaction; multi-bar linkages.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSPR.2024.10064717