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International Journal of Services and Standards

International Journal of Services and Standards (IJSS)

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International Journal of Services and Standards (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Tourism's Green Lens: Navigating Sustainable Development from Tourists' Viewpoint   Order a copy of this article
    by Praveen Srivastava 
    Abstract: This study investigates the complex relationship between tourists’ perceptions of sustainable development and their experiences in various accommodation units across India. Employing an experimental research design, the research focuses on tourists’ perspectives regarding the economic, social, and ecological dimensions of sustainable development as implemented by different types of accommodations. Utilising PLS-SEM and ANN techniques for rigorous data analysis, the study involves respondents from diverse accommodations, aiming to provide a comprehensive representation of the tourist population. Key findings highlight the significant impact of sustainable development initiatives on guest satisfaction, showcasing a symbiotic relationship between environmentally conscious practices and tourist contentment. Acknowledging limitations in self-reported data, the study calls for cautious interpretation while opening avenues for further research. In conclusion, this research advances our understanding of tourists’ views on sustainability within accommodations, emphasising the transformative potential of such initiatives in enhancing overall guest satisfaction.
    Keywords: sustainable tourism; customer satisfaction; PLS-SEM; artificial neural network; ANN; hotels.

  • Profitability, effectiveness, operational efficiency, and market growth of SMEs in Albania after piloting data analytics   Order a copy of this article
    by Narasimha Rao Vajjhala, Kenneth David Strang 
    Abstract: The study examines the impact of data analytics on the performance of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Albania. This post-positivist study adopts a quantitative-based approach drawing from both parametric statistics and machine learning models to analyse data collected from 41 SMEs in Albania. The research study was guided by two main hypotheses: the first hypothesis states that data analytics is related to operational efficiency, optimised operations, profitability, and market growth in SMEs; the second hypothesis states that the use of data analytics by the SME was perceived by the participants to significantly increase production. The results of the analysis showed that 80% of SMEs have accepted data analytics, which was positively associated with all key performance indicators. The outcomes reveal a strong association between data analytics and improved operating efficiency, efficient operations, profitability, and market expansion.
    Keywords: data analytics; SME performance; operational efficiency; market growth; profitability; process optimisation; quantitative analysis; machine learning models; post-positivist approach; female entrepreneurs; statistical correlation; business strategy; innovation in SMEs; data-driven decision making; competitive advantage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSS.2024.10063579
  • How was perceived quality, satisfaction, and loyalty affected by sensory in F&B?   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen Hong Quan, Nguyen Thuy Linh, Tran Le Thu Thao, Hoang Thi Hong Thom, Nguyen Thi Thu An 
    Abstract: The food and beverage (F&B) industry encompasses businesses engaged in the creation, preparation, distribution, and sale of food and drinks. In this industry, customer satisfaction relies not only on the product but also on the service delivery process, directly influencing the customer’s sensory experience. This research investigates how the five senses impact perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic within F&B establishments. Surveying 646 clients across 30 F&B stores in Vietnam, the study reveals that consumers’ visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile senses significantly influence perceived quality and satisfaction. Furthermore, these two factors positively correlate with customer loyalty. The study also highlights age and gender as contributing factors to the variations in the relationships between consumers’ senses and their perception of service quality at the point of sale.
    Keywords: perceived quality; customer satisfaction; loyalty; customer experience; marketing; F&B service.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSS.2024.10064039
  • Charting the brand love landscape: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis with biblioshiny and VOSviewer to evaluate present developments, and future research directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Sujit Kumar Patra, V. V. Devi Prasad Kotni, Sunil Kumar, Manoj Gour Chintaluri 
    Abstract: This study aims to examine current research trends in brand love and outline potential avenues for future research. Love for a brand as ‘the degree of passionate emotional attachment that a person has for a particular trade name.’ A comprehensive bibliometric analysis spanning the years 2006 to 2022 was conducted using the Scopus database. It encompasses an analysis of 490 articles on brand love. The research identifies main authors, institutions, and countries, along with the most highly cited publications. Employing visualisation tools such as bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis through R-Studio, (biblioshiny package), and Vosviewer. The study maps complex patterns among journals, keywords, and institutions. Valuable insights into issues related to brand love are provided for researchers and marketers alike. This in-depth investigation offers a historical overview of crucial developments and influential researchers in the field of brand love.
    Keywords: brand love; bibliometric analysis; visualisation networks; development trends; R-Studio.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSS.2024.10065037