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International Journal of Services Technology and Management

International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM)

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International Journal of Services Technology and Management (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Distinguishing aggregate air travel demand from air passenger volume in China: based on the partial adjustment theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Yingxiao Zhou, Peng Zhao 
    Abstract: Air travel demand estimation is vital for airlines and governmen
    Keywords: air travel demand estimation; air travel volume; partial adjustment theory.

Special Issue on: LISS16-SIM Service Innovation and Management for Logistics and Supply Chains

  • Research on Risk Control of Vehicle Dynamic Logistics Alliance Based on SD and Evolutionary Game Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Mingbao Wang, Zhiping Du, Hong Duan 
    Abstract: Based on the evolutionary game theory and system dynamics theory, this paper analyzes the characteristics of vehicle logistics supply chain and vehicle dynamic logistics alliance system and the dynamic characteristics of system risk control, analyzes the internal risk control of vehicle dynamic logistics alliance. The evolutionary game model of two game agents under bounded rationality is established by taking the dynamic logistics alliance of two members as the research object. And uses the system dynamics theory, transforms the vehicle dynamic logistics alliance evolution game model into the system dynamics model. The model was simulated by Vensim software. Combined with the characteristics and advantages of the two methods to analyze what factors will promote cooperation between the two sides, what factors tend to make both sides appear egoistic breach of contract and thus affect the cooperation, what will trigger the situation of default. So as to provide reasonable suggestions for risk control of vehicle dynamic logistics alliance.
    Keywords: Vehicle logistics alliance; system dynamics; evolutionary game theory; risk control.