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International Journal of Structural Engineering

International Journal of Structural Engineering (IJStructE)

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International Journal of Structural Engineering (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Study on the mechanical behaviour of assembly prestressed reinforced structure and shield lining composite system   Order a copy of this article
    by Fengbin Su, Yi Liu, Kai Wang, Huan Pang, Meng Chen 
    Abstract: Internal reinforcement technology is an important method for controlling deformation of shield tunnels However, existing internal reinforcement technologies fail to balance strengthening efficiency with economic feasibility, which also hinder the detection of cracks and water leakage This paper innovatively proposes a design approach of assembly prestressed reinforced structure (APRS) to solve the existing problems A full-size numerical model of APRS and shield lining composite system is established by using ABAQUS In the selection of prestressed types, the reinforcement efficiency is the highest when the vault member is set to tensile stress and the arch waist member is set to compressive stress Regarding the determination of prestressing magnitude, strengthening efficiency is proportional to the prestressing value, and the optimal limit of prestress setting is 50 MPa Moreover, strengthening efficiency of unit steel quantity of the APRS is 2 2 times that of the steel bonding reinforcement structure, demonstrating superior economic efficiency.
    Keywords: assembly prestressed reinforced structure; strengthening efficiency; upgrade rate; mechanical behavior.

  • Multi-scale and multi-modal visualisation approaches for comprehensive structural assessment   Order a copy of this article
    by Shrikant M. Harle 
    Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of multi-scale and multi-modal visualisation approaches for structural assessment, highlighting their transformative potential in advancing structural engineering practices. Traditional methods, often reliant on single-scale and single-modal approaches, are found to be limited in capturing the full complexity and variability of structural performance. In contrast, multi-scale and multi-modal techniques offer a nuanced understanding of structural behaviour by integrating data from various scales and modalities, enabling a comprehensive analysis across different length scales and environmental conditions. These approaches not only enhance the accuracy and reliability of structural analysis but also facilitate informed decision-making throughout the lifecycle of a structure. Despite significant progress, further research and development are warranted to harness emerging technologies and foster interdisciplinary collaboration. In conclusion, embracing multi-scale and multi-modal visualisation approaches holds immense potential for unlocking new insights into structural behaviour and advancing the safety, resilience, and sustainability of infrastructure systems.
    Keywords: multi-scale visualisation; multi-modal visualisation; structural assessment; structural engineering; comprehensive analysis; interdisciplinary collaboration.