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International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering

International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering (IJSurfSE)

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International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Diffusion mechanism of cutting Ni-based alloy with carbide tool based on Molecular Dynamics simulation   Order a copy of this article
    by ZhaoPeng Hao, Gang Cheng, YiHang Fan, He Lan 
    Abstract: Nickel-based alloy Inconel 718 is difficult-to-cut and diffused seriously in cutting process. Its structure contains many complex atoms, such as Ni, Fe, Cr, etc. it is of great significance to study its diffusion wear mechanism under micro conditions. In this paper, a molecular dynamics model based on Ni, Fe and Cr is established. Through Ovito visualization, the phenomenon of atomic displacement is found in cutting, and the mean square displacement is used to solve the diffusion coefficient, the pre exponential factor and the transfer energy of atoms. MD method is used to make vacancy, The gap formation energy of WC Co tool and workpiece at grain boundary and lattice, and the diffusion activation energy barrier were calculated. The diffusion mechanism of Ni, Fe and Cr atoms is revealed by comparing with the experimental phenomena.
    Keywords: Ni-based alloy; Cemented carbide tool; cutting process ?Diffusion wear mechanism?Diffusion activation energy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSURFSE.2024.10066300
  • Simulation analysis and experimental study on the friction characteristics of hexagonal texture on the surface of PA66 material   Order a copy of this article
    by Wusheng Tang, Yu Fei Nie, Zhiyi Lu, Yingyu Du, Yaochen Shi, Ning Ding 
    Abstract: Starting from reducing the vibration and noise of automotive timing belt transmission systems, explore whether texture can improve the friction characteristics between non-metallic friction pairs, a hexagonal texture was designed and processed on a PA66 nylon plate to form a friction pair with chloroprene rubber material for reciprocating friction tests. By combining numerical analysis and experimental research, it is proved that hexagonal texture can improve the stress distribution and concentration strength of the friction interface between PA66 and chloroprene rubber materials during the friction process, inhibit continuous vibration of the interface, thereby reducing vibration acceleration amplitude and noise level. In addition, when the texture spacing is moderate, with the increase of texture width, the vibration reduction and noise reduction effects are more prominent, but the individual effect of texture depth is not significant. This is of certain significance for reducing the vibration and noise of synchronous belt transmission systems.
    Keywords: contact characteristics; frictional vibration; finite element analysis; friction noise; hexagonal texture.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSURFSE.2024.10067456
  • Investigation on Salt Corrosion Resistance of Bioinspired Robust Slippery and Superhydrophobic Surface of Al-Mg alloy   Order a copy of this article
    by Zhihui Xing, Jinghan Liu, Zheng Tan, Na Wang, Lei Fan, Li Zhang 
    Abstract: Aluminium-magnesium alloys are widely used in the fields of automobiles, architecture, healthcare, and electronics. The surface facial mask can effectively inhibit the direct contact between the metal substrate and the corrosive medium, thus reducing the corrosion rate and preventing corrosion. Based on biomimetic principles, this study used a hybrid method of laser texturing and surface spraying to prepare a superhydrophobic surface with a micro grid
    Keywords: slippery and superhydrophobic surface; hybrid method of laser texturing; robustness; salt corrosion resistance; Al-Mg alloy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSURFSE.2024.10067457
  • Long term steady state friction and wear rate estimation of ZTA against AZ31 alloy under different bio- lubricants for hip prosthesis-An In-vitro study   Order a copy of this article
    by R. Nithyaprakash, Shankar Subramaniam, R. Naveenkumar, Gokul Anand R, S. Vasanth, Chander Prakash, Alokesh Pramanik, A.K. Basak 
    Abstract: In human hip joint replacements, proper selection of biomaterials combination plays major role in improving longevity of implants thus reducing revision surgery. The present study focuses on such biomaterial combination of ZTA against AZ31 alloy, in estimating bio tribological properties of friction and wear rate for long-term sliding distance of 40 km using Ball-on-Disc (B-o-D) tribometer. The bio-lubricants considered for current study includes saline solution, Ringer’s solution, distilled water, phosphate buffere saline (PBS) and sesame oil. The B-o-D load considered for current study is 20 N which is equivalent to human gait activities like normal walking, lifting 40 kg, carrying 25 kg and stairs down 25 kg. Among bio-lubricants considered, sesame oil exhibited least coefficient of friction (CoF) of 0.35 followed by Ringer’s solution, PBS, distilled water and maximum CoF of 0.42 is obtained for saline solution. Later, wear rate of biomaterial combination is obtained for all these bio-lubricants and it is found that sesame oil exhibited least wear rate (K) of 8.55x10-6 mm3/Nm and maximum wear rate of 1.25x10-5 mm3/Nm is obtained for saline solution bio-lubricant.
    Keywords: ZTA; MgAZ31; Ball-on-Disc; Bio-lubricants; Long term; Bio-tribology.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSURFSE.2025.10069325