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International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies

International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies (IJTCS)

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International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • What does Web 3 and NFT bring to consumption practices and to marketing management: the case of Chateau Edmus   Order a copy of this article
    by Catherine Lejealle, Laurent Flores 
    Abstract: This case study provides a comprehensive understanding of the typology of consumption practices web 3 (NFT, DAO) can bring to customers and to wineries. Learners develop an appreciation of how NFTs’ and DAO’s adoption by wineries can create experience, play, integration and classification according to Holt’s consumer typology of consumption practices. Holt’s framework is applied to Chateau Edmus, a Bordeaux winery, led by Laurent David, a former tech manager from Apple. This case gives insight for the marketing management in order to understand which opportunity to prioritize in order to engage customers and foster customer brand relationship, affiliation, distinction or experience.
    Keywords: consumption practices; consumer experience; integration; gaming; web 3; NFT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTCS.2024.10065249
  • How to generate performance and well-being in compulsory training of employees? : the case of Mrs C.   Order a copy of this article
    by Coralie Damay, Catherine Lejealle 
    Abstract: Post-pandemic, companies are grappling with quiet quitting and low employee engagement, driven by a shift towards extrinsic motivation. However, intrinsic motivation offers numerous benefits: it enhances employee well-being, happiness, energy, and reduces stress and burnout, which in turn boosts productivity and performance. For companies, intrinsic motivation reduces absenteeism and turnover, and increases engagement. Mrs. C., an independent trainer, is tasked with finding innovative ways to boost intrinsic motivation through compulsory project management training for new hires. Utilizing self-determination theory, which emphasises that three contextual factors (autonomy, competence, connection to others) increase intrinsic motivations, the case explores how innovative devices can enhance them. It provides managers and HR with insights on using innovative strategies to engage employees, balancing well-being and performance, and supporting corporate social responsibility.
    Keywords: self-determination theory; intrinsic motivation; autonomy; well-being; engagement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTCS.2024.10065250