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International Journal of Technology and Globalisation

International Journal of Technology and Globalisation (IJTG)

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International Journal of Technology and Globalisation (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Operational Risk Mitigation in Credit Operations   Order a copy of this article
    by André Couto, Rui Gonçalves, Leandro Pereira, Renato Lopes Da Costa, Álvaro Lopes Dias, Rui Vinhas Da Silva 
    Abstract: The process of loan concession requires a thorough knowledge of the credit institution standards and regulations. Complexity of the credit granting process can cause a considerable number of undecided corporate loan proposals due to incomplete information or decided only after several internal incidents have been reported and solved. The objective of this research is to study operational risk failures in the admission process of financing. With a sample of 5,900 corporate financing proposals during the second semester of 2019, the ratio of OR incidents of 24% detected in the sample hinders the activity of all those involved in the credit risk analysis and decision. The results reveal a measurable effect in profit margin, and on the operational incident recovery period within admission of credit risk. It also shows the growing importance of OR management and how different OR events can affect bank returns.
    Keywords: financing; financial institutions; risk management; operational risk; OR; credit risk.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTG.2022.10048418
  • Understanding collaboration and R&D performance challenges in developing countries: The case of Thailand   Order a copy of this article
    by Wantana Areeprayolkij, Suk Kyoung Kim, Ileana Palaco, Duk Hee Lee 
    Abstract: Within the last decade, Thailand has emerged as an innovation achiever, partly due to its aggressive interest in developing its national innovation system by increasing its research and development (R&D) investment. However, evaluation of the productivity of such policies has been found to be unfit for the conditions of this emerging ecosystem. This study proposes a systematic method to examine which collaboration factors affect Thai firms R&D productivity and how these reflect on industry sectors dynamics. The model is tested empirically through a dataset of 44 industry sectors collected directly from the National Innovation Status Survey from 2011 to 2016. The results explore the number of inventions, patent applications and granted patents as factors that influence collaboration between firms within the university and the public sector. The tailored analytical model may be useful in future efforts to assess R&D collaboration amongst industry and government sector stakeholders in other developing countries.
    Keywords: R&D performance; collaboration; patent; research output; Thailand; developing countries; national innovation system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTG.2023.10062851