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International Journal of Trade and Global Markets

International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (IJTGM)

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International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The Impact of Investment on Environmental Quality: Evidence from Indonesian Provinces   Order a copy of this article
    by Irwan Trinugroho, Aldy Fariz Achsanta, Putra Pamungkas, Sajidan Sajidan 
    Abstract: The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on environmental degradation has been a main issue in the investment-environment nexus. FDI channeled to non-environmentally friendly industries most likely accelerate environmental degradation. We focus on investigating the effect of FDI on environmental degradation by examining FDI in Indonesia across provinces. To measure the severity of air pollution in each province, we use two proxies of environmental degradation: the Environmental Quality Index (EQI) and Air Quality Index (AQI). A panel data technique is applied to a panel of 34 provinces, resulting in 164 province-year observations employed in the empirical estimation. We also disentangle investment as the main explanatory variable, not only foreign but also domestic investment. Our results indicate that both domestic investment and FDI are positively associated with environmental degradation, implying that most of these investments are channeled into the sector with high negative externalities, resulting in a decline in environmental quality.
    Keywords: foreign direct investment; domestic investment; environmental quality index; air quality index; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTGM.2023.10057716
  • Digital Opportunity Assessment in International Markets   Order a copy of this article
    by Ilke Kardes, Joanne M. Tran, Manisha Mathur, Leisa R. Flynn, Michael T. Dugan 
    Abstract: This study examines external environmental factors (political/legal, socio-economic, and technological) most strongly associated with e-commerce sales in emerging vs. developed markets. This study uses longitudinal archival data and conducts a partial least squares-structural equation modeling to investigate the impact of environmental factors. The results indicate that technological factors, among others, are the most associated with e-commerce sales in both emerging and developed markets. There is no significant difference between the two country groups regarding the association of political/legal factors with e-commerce sales. Socio-economic factors are more highly associated with e-commerce sales in emerging markets than in developed countries. This study extends the previous literature by combining market opportunity analysis with the PEST framework to assess digital opportunities in international markets. Furthermore, the study uses partial least squares-structural equation modeling to compare developed countries with emerging markets.
    Keywords: E-commerce; emerging markets; developed markets; PEST analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTGM.2023.10059836