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International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning

International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP)

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International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Proposal of a Framework for Assessing Data Quality for Technology Intelligence. Evidence from the Building Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Marina Flamand, Patience Le Coustumer 
    Abstract: Assessing data quality is a prerequisite for using it effectively to inform decision-making. This general consensus regarding data quality has not been tested from the perspective of technology intelligence, which is an information-based activity to support strategic decision-making in innovation area. This article seeks to fill this gap by proposing an operational data quality assessment framework specifically tailored to the needs of technology intelligence experts. In addition to two traditional dimensions of data assessment (availability and reliability), we have integrated a third dimension: the utility for a technology intelligence approach. It is based on three more specific criteria: relevance, richness of information and the added value for analysing innovation. We demonstrate how to use this framework and illustrate its utility by assessing the quality of technical appraisals (ATec in French and below) to support technology intelligence in the building industry.
    Keywords: technology intelligence; decision-making; innovation; innovation indicator; criteria for data quality; assessment framework; operational framework; regulatory data; building industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTIP.2023.10060651
  • How justice integrity reflects on the Bitcoin transaction network   Order a copy of this article
    by Piergiorgio Ricci 
    Abstract: Based on the assumption that the integrity of justice facilitates the growth of traditional economic sectors, this study aims to understand its effects on the development of fintech business distinguishing between those aspects that bring out the exceptional value deriving from the application of blockchain technology and those that could transform it in an exceptional hype. The analysis has shown important relationships between the network position of each country within the geolocalized blockchain and the characteristics of their legal system. Specifically, the national level of justice integrity is strongly connected to the Bitcoin diffusion and represents a determining factor for fintech business development. The analysis also revealed a significant spread of Bitcoin cryptocurrency in those countries characterized by permissive regulation and low controlsrnof the movement of capital and people and these specific contexts could encourage the use ofrncryptocurrencies for illegal conduct, such as money laundering or terrorist financing.
    Keywords: Bitcoin; Blockchain; Cryptocurrency; Social Network Analysis; Fintech.