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International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications

International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications (IJTMCC)

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International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A Novel Authentication Protocol for Prevention of Phishing and Pharming Attacks in Mobile Banking   Order a copy of this article
    by Sriramulu Bojjagani, V.N. Sastry 
    Abstract: The current mobile authentication protocols place an extra burden on mobile device users to detect and avoid phishing and pharming attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel mobile banking authentication protocol that employs an Authentication Server (AS), which sends a nonce to the mobile user device to be signed, so that he can avoid phishing and pharming attacks. Phishing attacks are fraudulent e-mail messages appearing to originate from legitimate enterprises to access private information and commit identity theft. Pharming is a form of attack on the network infrastructure where the user is redirected to the fraudulent website even when the user enters the right web Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Internet protocol (IP) address. In this protocol, the message signed on the mobile device includes the information of the bank. Hence, upon receiving the signed information, the authentication server can quickly identify the attack and notify the bank. Our proposed protocol is experimentally validated by a formal method of model checking tool namely ``Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA)''.
    Keywords: Phishing; Pharming; Mobile banking; URL; IP; AVISPA;.

  • Attributes to Evaluate Trust in Open Source Software Development Communities   Order a copy of this article
    by Amitpal Singh, Sunil Kumar Gupta, Hardeep Singh 
    Abstract: The main aim in this paper is to identify the attributes based upon which the trustworthiness of a member in open source software development community(OSSD) could be determined. To develop a trust evaluation model, the nature of open source software development communities together with major challenges associated with it are analysed. Trust development models proposed by various authors are analysed to get an insight into the existing trust building mechanisms. The database schemas of a number of OSSD communities are analysed to determine their structure. The attributes in various database tables are analysed to get a picture of the type of data the OSSD communities are maintaining. The identified attributes are then categorized as per their utility. Then, the relevance of these attributes for determining the trustworthiness of a member in the OSSD community is analysed. Further, database tables along with their constituent attributes are designed for the proposed trust evaluation framework. The developed database schema will act as a base for further development of the trust evaluation framework.
    Keywords: Trust; Trustworthy systems,Trust in open source software; Trust development framework; OSSD community database schema.