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International Journal of Technology Policy and Law

International Journal of Technology Policy and Law (IJTPL)

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International Journal of Technology Policy and Law (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Legal Responsibility of Driverless Vehicle in China: in The Oncoming Era of Artificial Intelligence   Order a copy of this article
    by JuanJuan Zhang 
    Abstract: The development of artificial intelligence (AI) of China is accelerating, but the legal environment of the driverless vehicle is on the backward. It has become an obstacle of the realization of driverless vehicle from the laboratory to the road. Through answering the three propositions of philosophy: what is the driverless vehicle, where do they come from, and where shall they go, the paper refuted the view of entitling driverless vehicle the personality, and explained the reasons why to give the limited rights to it. Then, the paper analyzed the responsibility principle and who would take the responsibility when motor vehicles caused accidents according to the existing Chinese legal system. As well, it evaluated whether the current law is still applicable to the driverless vehicle, based on which, to make some suggestions to hope to make the law keep up with the development of the science and technology.
    Keywords: Legal responsibility; Driverless vehicle; China; Artificial Intelligence Era.

  • Vehicle data controls - Balancing interests under The Trade Secrets Directive.   Order a copy of this article
    by Freyja Van Den Boom 
    Abstract: As vehicles are becoming more connected and increasingly autonomous, new opportunities emerge using the data vehicles generate. Telematics is an example of how data generated through vehicle use, enables insurers to develop more accurate risk profiles and adequate premiums. Having access to vehicle data provides those who hold the data with a competitive advantage which in addition to increased concerns over privacy, have led to initiatives to control vehicle data access. The European Parliament has called upon the Commission to publish a legislative proposal that ensures a level playing field on access tornin-vehicle data and resources, protecting consumer rights and promoting innovation and fair competition. To contribute to the discussion, this paper analyses the potential for vehicle manufacturers to control vehicle data through trade secret protection.
    Keywords: Trade secrets; Vehicle data; Telematics; GDPR; Data portability; Data access rights.

  • Limiting digital dictatorship through the lens of digital constitutionalism   Order a copy of this article
    by Prabhpreet Singh, Irina A. Filipova 
    Abstract: The concept of digital democracy is crucial for comprehending the interaction between collective self-government and mediating digital infrastructures in modern society. On the one hand, policymakers want to use technology to legitimise the public sector, reawaken individuals interest in politics, and fight civic apathy. On the other hand, academics warn that the danger is that the foundation of democracy itself may be destroyed if the digitalisation of democracy is left unchallenged. In the present paper, the authors provide a conceptual study of digital democracy and its relationship with the right to privacy, digital dictatorship, digital constitutionalism, and digital sovereignty. Governments laws must conform to the constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. Thus, in such circumstances, judicial review acts as a check on the power of the legislature and ensures constitutionalism in the state.
    Keywords: digital democracy; digital dictatorship; digital constitutionalism; digital sovereignty; right to privacy; technology; democracy; policymakers; legislature; legitimise.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTPL.2023.10057093