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International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration

International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (IJVNV)

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International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A comparison study of passive, active, and semi-active suspension systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Ufuk Demircioglu, Mutlu Tarık Çakır 
    Abstract: This study presents the performance of active and semi-active suspension systems by comparing them to the passive system. Firstly, a mathematical model of a quarter vehicle for passive, active, and semi-active systems was obtained by using the D’Alemberts principle. Later on, controllers are designed for active and semi-active suspension systems. For active systems, PID and LQR controller, for semi-active system skyhook control algorithm is designed. The simulation was run by using MATLAB/Simulink under different road conditions. RMS values of body vertical motions were obtained to evaluate the performance of controllers. it is found that under bump road excitation RMS values of displacement of a passive system, LQR, PID, and semi-active controllers are found to be 0.0101, 0.0053, 0.0036, and 0.0035 respectively. It was observed that under bump road semi-active control gave the best result. When D grade road is considered, RMS values of displacement of the passive system, LQR, PID, and semi-active controllers are found to be 0.0111, 0.0078, 0.0061, and 0.0093 respectively. Under D-grade road conditions, the active controller gave the best response. Overly under bump road conditions LQR, PID, and semi-active systems improved body vertical displacement by 90.56, 180.55, and 188.5% respectively to passive systems.
    Keywords: vibration control; active control; semi-active control; quarter car.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVNV.2024.10064366
  • Understanding bus passengers vibrational discomfort based on graphical modelling: a field experiment   Order a copy of this article
    by Minghui Xie, Jialin Fan, Sen Wei, Yuanqing Wang 
    Abstract: To understand the vibrational discomfort experienced by passengers and improve bus service quality, we conducted field experiments to collect triaxial acceleration data from 18 bus trips and the riding responses of 22 participants simultaneously in Xi’an, China. Compared with the fuzzy evaluation based on ISO 2631, this paper innovatively established the coding rule of sharp acceleration change and constructed the graphical matrix for vibrational discomforts. Not only was the degree of discomfort evaluated, but the parameters causing discomfort and their interrelationships were quantitatively determined through statistical analysis and ridge regression. The results revealed that sharp changes in acceleration are significantly related to vibrational discomfort. The probability of graphical coding occurrence for acceleration changes is heterogeneous and results in different levels of discomfort and duration of motion sickness. This paper provides valuable insights into improving riding comfort for bus passengers.
    Keywords: bus passengers; vibrational discomfort; motion sickness; graphical modelling; ridge regression.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJVNV.2024.10064435