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International Journal of Web Science

International Journal of Web Science (IJWS)

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International Journal of Web Science (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Web Meta-Machine Translation System based on Voting Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Mawloud Mosbah 
    Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a meta-machine translator from English to French and vice versa based on four free web machine translators namely: Google Translate, Promt, Babylon, and Bing. The meta-translator has considered a voting algorithm with two respective levels of granularity: the entire text level and the sentence level. As an experimental dataset, we consider 10 abstracts, in English and French, for 10 abstract theses, published on the web. According to the results achieved, the meta-translator based on voting algorithm, with entire text granularity, from English to French direction, is the more effective in terms of BLEU and NIST metrics with respective superiority of 0.0033 and 0.0196. Moreover, from French to English, the introduced meta-translator, based on the voting algorithm, with sentence granularity, has a superiority of 0.003 in terms of BLEU and 0.0214 in terms of NIST. Nevertheless, from English to French, an improvement range values of 0.0092 according to BLEU and 0.0162 according to NIST are still to be achieved differently. Similarly, an enhancement range values of 0.0604 according to BLEU and 0.0038 according to NIST can be attained, otherwise, from French to English.
    Keywords: automatic processing of natural language; machine translation; meta-machine translation.