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MENA Journal of Cross-Cultural Management

MENA Journal of Cross-Cultural Management (MJCCM)

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MENA J. of Cross-Cultural Management (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • What if Lawrence of Arabia came back to life as an intercultural negotiator?   Order a copy of this article
    by Clemens Bechter, Nidal Darwish 
    Abstract: Negotiating with someone from another culture is challenging. Most publications are based on a single culture and on classroom simulations but not on real-life intercultural negotiations. Our paper fills a research gap by analysing real intercultural negotiations with a focus on MENA. Publications on negotiation rarely take cultural differences into account. However, cultural differences can lead to additional conflicts in negotiations. The few scholars who have studied cultural dimensions in the context of negotiations focus mainly on two differences, namely, collectivism vs. individualism and high vs. low power distance. Our paper looked at six cultural differences derived from the three mainstream national culture frameworks plus the cultural intelligence of the negotiator. The sample consisted of 186 profiles of negotiators and the outcome of the negotiation. All negotiators were executives holding middle to top management positions. They had to narrate and visualise their negotiations with a partner from another culture which served as basis for our analysis. Cultural distance, cultural intelligence and flexibility of the negotiators were predictors for the success of a negotiation. Results show that a flexible behaviour is by far the most important criteria for success in MENA and it correlates positively with cultural intelligence.
    Keywords: negotiations; cross-cultural; cultural intelligence; MENA.
    DOI: 10.1504/MJCCM.2020.10030917
  • The impact of Digitalization in Gaza’s banking sector on Customer satisfaction: Considering Palestinian national culture as a moderator variable.   Order a copy of this article
    by Lara Besaiso, Lama Abu Zayed, Rahaf Alsheikh Ali 
    Abstract: The key purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Digitalisation in Gazas banking sector on customer satisfaction: Considering Palestinian National Culture as a moderator variable and how does Palestinian National Culture moderate the relationship between the two variables. Whereas, an online survey was conducted to examine the studys objectives and statistical systems were applied to test the hypotheses such as SPSS and Python 3. The results showed that most customers are satisfied with using digital banking services, in addition to the studys findings that declared that Palestinian National Culture negatively affected the relationship between digitalisation and customer satisfaction. This research paper recommends Gazas banks to enhance the use of digital banking services, direct customers to use these services instead of traditional methods, and banks should provide customers with superior services in order to attain customer satisfaction so they can recommend other potential customers to use the banks digital banking services.
    Keywords: digitalisation; digital banking; customer satisfaction; Palestinian National Culture; banking sector in Gaza strip.
    DOI: 10.1504/MJCCM.2023.10047083
  • Ethical Leadership: Role Modelling Insight on Organizational Culture   Order a copy of this article
    by Berat Cicek, Metin Söylemez 
    Abstract: In this study, it is aimed to investigate the effect of ethical leadership on organisational culture in terms of role modelling from the perspective of social learning theory. For this purpose, a quantitative study was carried out based on structural equation modelling. The data obtained from 403 administrative and academic staffs of 14 public universities in Turkey were used in the analysis. As a result of the analysis, a significant effect of ethical leadership on organisational culture dimensions is found. It is observed ethical leadership is the most effective phenomenon on the trust dimension of organisational culture. It is also found that ethical leadership has a lower effect contrary to other dimensions of organisational culture. The significance of this research derives from the fact that it provides empirical evidence for ethical leaderships impact on organisational culture.
    Keywords: ethical leadership; organisational culture; social learning theory; role modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/MJCCM.2023.10048054