Chapter 1: Sustainable Development
Title: Grounding sustainable development in praxis: furthering accountability and collaboration
Abstract/Summary: In discussing the four different interpretations of the moral imperative to promote sustainable development, Hattingh says in his conclusion about the importance of sustainable development, informed by critical reflexive action, that "any interpretation of sustainable development functions as normative ideas. Such a set of normative ideas can function as guidelines for personal actions and as a baseline in terms of which governments, industry, commerce, consumers and citizens can be held accountable for their actions". As various stakeholders in this debate strive to interpret sustainable development within normative parameters, they need to ground their understanding and implementation strategies of sustainable development guidelines, in critical, reflexive processes of their practice, informed by their theory that guides their practice and action – in-practice that guides their theory. Such a process is pluralistic and collaborative. Hence, this paper endeavours to critically and analytically explore the grounding of sustainable development in praxis as a social, and reflexive informed process directed by collaboration and accountability imperatives.
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