Chapter 1: Asset Information Management
Title: Product lifecycle management in defense organizations: requirements and solution design
Author(s): Thomas Gulledge, Wael Wael, Raj Iyer, John Nyere
Address: Enterprise Integration, Inc., 5900 Barclay Road # 150236, Alexandria, VA 22315, USA | Enterprise Integration, Inc., 5900 Barclay Road # 150236, Alexandria, VA 22315, USA | U.S. Army Materiel Command, Bldg 7612, Room 223, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898, USA | Task Force for Business and Stability Operations, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 3600 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301, USA
Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2010 pp. 38 - 47
Abstract/Summary: Product lifecycle management (PLM) presents many unique challenges in defense organizations. These challenges relate to culture, organization, processes, data, and others. While some of these characteristics are not unique to defense organizations, some are specifically unique. This paper identifies and describes the challenges, and then presents an approach to requirements definition and solution design that addresses the described challenges. The benefits of the approach are delineated and a defense PLM governance structure is proposed.
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