Chapter 11: Knowledge and Information Management
Title: An experiment in PLM user-experience
Author(s): H.J. Pels
Address: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, IE&IS P.B. 513, 5600MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2010 pp. 567 - 576
Abstract/Summary: An experiment has been executed to research to what extent the complexity of a modern PLM system can be hidden to novice user, in order to enable designers to benefit the sharing of their output without having to spend too much effort in learning and using the PLM system. The approach was to use a practical group of 60 students to enter the finished design of a racing car, as designed by the University Racing team Eindhoven, into the Siemens PLM Teamcenter system. Findings, showing several unexpected complexities, are reported and analysed.
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