Chapter 13: Enterprise Networks
Title: Multi-agent model of SCM trust in PLM
Author(s): Yacine Ouzrout, Syed Akhter Hossain, Olivier Lavastre, Ludivine Chaze, Carine Dominguez
Address: LIESP Laboratory, University of Lyon, 160, Boulevard de L’Universite, 69676 Bron Cedex, France | LIESP Laboratory, University of Lyon, 160, Boulevard de L’Universite, 69676 Bron Cedex, France | CERAG, Université Pierre Mendès France – CNRS, 150, rue de la Chimie BP 47, 38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, France | CERAG, Université Pierre Mendès France – CNRS, 150, rue de la Chimie BP 47, 38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, France | CERAG, Université Pierre Mendès France – CNRS, 150, rue de la Chimie BP 47, 38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2010 pp. 683 - 694
Abstract/Summary: A supply chain management (SCM) is the management of network having interconnected business nodes which spans all movements of services and goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption through chaining the services within the network. In the context of SCM within PLM, trust modeling is an important and crucial aspect from the perspective of sustainability of the supply chain and to gain efficient performance in management of product life cycle. In the supply chain, the more we trust, the more we exchange information on demand and on forecast of the last customer so as with the level of stock and on the forecast of the suppliers. In this work, we attempted to model the trust in SCM for using Agent Modeling Language (AML) and proposed a multi agent system (MAS) SCM model of trust in supply chain management for PLM. The proposed model is implemented using java agent development environment (JADE) and the simulation results demonstrated the impact of trust in supply chain along with the evolution of trust.
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