Chapter 5: Optimisation, Planning and Decision Support
Title: An agent-based approach for finding the optimal dwell point in automated storage/retrieval systems
Author(s): Emanuel Federico Alsina, Giacomo Cabri, Alberto Regattieri, Giulia Santarelli
Address: Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics (FIM), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy | Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics (FIM), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy | Department of Industrial Mechanical Plants (DIEM), University of Bologna, Italy | Department of Industrial Mechanical Plants (DIEM), University of Bologna, Italy
Reference: Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2013) pp. 181 - 188
Abstract/Summary: Automated storage/retrieval systems are devices that allow intensive physical storage of materials. They can improve the performance of the supply chain, reduce labour costs and minimise the system response time. This study presents a multi-agent system able to investigate the dwell point position for random allocation of unit loads, simulating different storage dimensions (varying the number of spans and the number of levels simultaneously) and arrivals (varying the interval between requested tasks). We propose a model in which a dwell point is attracted by the positions where the most recent storage or retrieval operations have been performed. The results of this analysis are presented in terms of travel time and waiting time, and are compared with the performance of other policies found in literature.
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