Chapter 7: Intelligent Products
Title: Flexible product-life-cycle management with digital product memories
Author(s): Christian Seitz, Jan-Gregor Fischer, Christoph Legat
Address: Siemens AG, Corporate Technology Information and Automation Technologies, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-81739 Munich, Germany | Siemens AG, Corporate Technology Information and Automation Technologies, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-81739 Munich, Germany | Siemens AG, Corporate Technology Information and Automation Technologies, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-81739 Munich, Germany
Reference: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management 2010 pp. 337 - 347
Abstract/Summary: Nowadays, RFID is used to identify a wide range of work pieces or individual products for tracking their movements during the product life cycle. For future purposes the idea of storing only a single ID must be extended to a ‘digital product memory’. A digital product memory provides a digital diary of the complete product life cycle and is embedded in the product itself. It records all relevant ambient parameters in digital form. Sensors note where and when an interaction with a product takes place. People can access these digital product diaries at any time. The autonomous behavior of the product memory makes it additionally possible to monitor and control the production and logistics of the product. In this paper we describe a flexible approach for product-driven life-cycle management using a digital product memory to achieve minimum lot sizes and a reduced time to market.
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