Foundation of Event-Driven Management of Quality of Economics, The State and Human Life


From 2006 to 2015 the author published in Russian four books in the publishing houses of St. Petersburg State University and Nauka, in which he outlined various aspects of economic management: scenario logical-probabilistic risk management in business and technology, information innovative and intelligent technologies for economics, risk management technologies in structurally complex systems, and economic security management. These books have also been published in English by Springer and Cambridge Scholars Publishing with minor modifications. The greatest distribution and recognition of the books was found in the West, and not in Russia. In contrast to Russia, books in the West were published free of charge.

In these books, for structurally complex objects and processes in human life and economics, the technologies, methods and algorithms for solving individual problems are given: monitoring and managing the bank lending process, managing the risk and efficiency of a restaurant, combatting bribes and corruption, combatting drug addiction of the country's population, logical-probabilistic (LP) models of invalidity of socio-economic systems, LP management of the country's economic security, LP management of the innovation system, LP model of operational risk of a bank, LP model of invalidity for quality management of systems. According to the WTO, LP model of failure risk of company management, etc.

In recent years, new problems have been proposed in the management of economics and the quality of human life: modelling, analysis and quality management of one and several logically integrated systems, taking into account the effect of repeated events on the quality assessment of a large system, analyzing different outcomes of quality management of subsystems in a complex system, managing the safety of living, management of the quality of human life, management of the exit from stagnation. It is important that the new tasks are aimed primarily at improving the quality of life of the population, rather than at making a profit.

It became necessary to publish new results and determine the event-driven management of economics and the state, and identify the role of public opinion and digital economics in improving the quality of management of economics and the state and the quality of life of the country's population. A significant part of the articles on event-driven quality management of objects, systems and processes are published in English in the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management [Inderscience Enterprises Ltd] and have Scopus index.

A decisive role in the formation of event-driven management was played by: the introduction of Boolean event-propositions and LP calculus into economics, the measures of invalidity as the probability of an event, the synthesis of the probability of an event-driven statement based on non-numerical inaccurate and incomplete expert information, and management of the quality of human life. Overcoming resistance to the new event-driven management of the quality of economics and the state on the part of economic science was carried out under the motto: 'Faith served us like a shield for reason, but then we need granite science!'

The results obtained in event-driven management served as the basis for creating a universal complex of knowledge, models, tasks and software for managing the quality of economics, the state and human life in the digital economics. A corresponding academic discipline has been created with lectures and laboratory work on computers. This universal complex can be used to develop programs for the development and research of economics of the country and regions and has commercial value.

I express my sincere gratitude for participation in the publication of this book to the President of the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Ovodenko Anatoly Arkadievich, and the Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship Technologies of the SUAI, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Budagov Artur Surenovich.