Chapter 4: Event-driven management of the quality of human life

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Chapter 4: Event-driven management of the quality of human life
 4.1 Event-driven management of human life quality processes74
    4.1.1 Statement of the problem of managing the quality of human life74
    4.1.2 The management of quality of treatment process75 The logical-probabilistic model of the quality of the process76 Analysis and management of the quality of the medical treatment procedure77
    4.1.3 Management of the quality of the educational process78 The structural model of the quality of the educational process79 The logical and the probabilistic models of the process quality model79 Analysis and management of the educational process quality81 The drawbacks in the education process81
    4.1.4 Quality management of minister's decisions81 Problem statement81 Infrastructure and activities of the national project82 New challenges for the digital economy82
    4.1.5 Management of the quality of a scientist's life83 PhD education83 Dvigatel Revolutsii factory83 Sectoral research institute83 IPME RAS and SUAI84 New trends in Russian science are extremely negative86
  4.1.6 Management of life quality of entrepreneurs86
 4.2 Human quality of life simulation applications86
    4.2.1 Management of quality of human life88 Analysis and quality management of the treatment process89
  4.2.2 Management of the quality of economics and state (region) 'from below'89 Disadvantages of the treatment process according to the patient's assessment89 Disadvantages of the process of teaching the discipline 'technology of risk management in economics' according to the student's assessment89 Disadvantages of the development management process by the Ministry of Digital Economics, according to the researcher90 Disadvantages of the process of managing science by the Ministry of Higher Education and the RAS, according to the scientist's assessment90 Disadvantages of the entrepreneurship process as assessed by the analyst90
    4.2.3 Event-driven and quality management of personnel development and motivation91
    4.2.4 Event-driven management of the quality of student teaching in five disciplines95
    4.2.5 Managing the exit of human life processes from stagnation97
 4.3 Public opinion in economic management 'from below' and 'from above'97
 4.4 Digital economics event-driven management of the quality of economics, the state and human life98

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