Subject Index: Subject Index

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In books about economics there are usually no subject indexes. This proves that there are few new terms and results and that people do not quite understand the importance of indexes for mastering structural knowledge in the research area. Western publishing houses do not accept manuscripts without subject indexes.

The subject index list consists of 19 sections with 130 items. Below is the list of sections of the subject index (the number of entries in each section is given in brackets):

  1. Boolean event-propositions (8)
  2. criteria of management (4)
  3. students' laboratory works on Arbiter and Expa software complexes (15)
  4. models of management of life quality processes (26)
  5. the national project 'digital economics' (4)
  6. new tasks of event-driven management in digital economics (20)
  7. new knowledge in the management of the safety and quality of economics (10)
  8. new logical probabilistic models (12)
  9. new objectives of management (6)
  10. peculiarities of event-driven management (6)
  11. procedures of event-driven management (3)
  12. events (1)
  13. special software (2)
  14. stages of life quality management processes (3)
  15. scenarios of failure (3)
  16. the unified set of tools for management (6)
  17. management in economics and the state (4)
  18. management of life quality (3)
  19. participants of event-driven management of life quality processes (7).

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