Entrepreneurship and SMEs

(Management and Business) 21 titles
  1. Int. J. of Business and Globalisation    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • RePEc

  2. Int. J. of Business Innovation and Research    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • RePEc
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  3. Int. J. of Chinese Culture and Management    

    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • CAB Abstracts - Agriculture and International Development Indexes
    • CAB Abstracts - Human Sciences Abstracts
    • CAB Abstracts - Leisure and Tourism Abstracts
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • IBSS [International Bibliography of the Social Sciences] (Proquest)
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • J-Gate
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace

  4. Int. J. of Comparative Management    

    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Google Scholar
    • J-Gate
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  5. Int. J. of Complexity in Applied Science and Technology    

    • Google Scholar
    • J-Gate

  6. Int. J. of Complexity in Leadership and Management    

    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • J-Gate
    • RePEc

  7. Int. J. of Entrepreneurial Venturing    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Google Scholar
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • RePEc
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  8. Int. J. of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • General OneFile (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • Pirabase (Smithers Pira)
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • ProQuest ABI/Inform Collection
    • RePEc
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  9. Int. J. of Entrepreneurship and Small Business    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • CAB Abstracts - Agriculture and International Development Indexes
    • CAB Animal Sciences
    • CAB Abstracts - Environmental Sciences Indexes
    • CAB Abstracts - Human Sciences Abstracts
    • CAB Abstracts - Leisure and Tourism Abstracts
    • CAB Abstracts - Plant Sciences Abstracts
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • General OneFile (Gale)
    • CAB Global Health
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • Pirabase (Smithers Pira)
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • RePEc

  10. Int. J. of Globalisation and Small Business    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • CAB Abstracts - Agriculture and International Development Indexes
    • CAB Abstracts - Environmental Sciences Indexes
    • CAB Abstracts - Human Sciences Abstracts
    • CAB Abstracts - Leisure and Tourism Abstracts
    • CAB Abstracts - Plant Sciences Abstracts
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • General OneFile (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • RePEc
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  11. Int. J. of Indian Culture and Business Management    

    • Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • IBSS [International Bibliography of the Social Sciences] (Proquest)
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • J-Gate
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • RePEc

  12. Int. J. of Innovation and Learning    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • British Education Index (EBSCO)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Educational Research Abstracts Online
    • Educators Reference Complete (Gale)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • Geobase (Elsevier)
    • Google Scholar
    • ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • Pascal (INIST-CNRS)
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • RePEc
    • Research into Higher Education Abstracts
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  13. Int. J. of Knowledge-Based Development    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Compendex [formerly Ei] (Elsevier)
    • Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • RePEc

  14. Int. J. of Management and Enterprise Development    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • General OneFile (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • Pirabase (Smithers Pira)
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • RePEc

  15. Int. J. of Quality and Innovation    

    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • J-Gate

  16. Int. J. of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation    

    • Asian Digital Library
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Google Scholar
    • J-Gate

  17. Int. J. of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation    

    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • J-Gate
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  18. Int. J. of Technoentrepreneurship    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Google Scholar
    • J-Gate
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace

  19. J. for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • Asian Digital Library
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • General OneFile (Gale)
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  20. MENA J. of Cross-Cultural Management    

    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • Google Scholar
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

  21. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development    

    • Scopus (Elsevier)
    • Academic OneFile (Gale)
    • Business Economics and Theory Collection (Gale)
    • CAB Abstracts - Agriculture and International Development Indexes
    • CAB Animal Sciences
    • CAB Abstracts - Environmental Sciences Indexes
    • CAB Abstracts - Human Sciences Abstracts
    • CAB Abstracts - Leisure and Tourism Abstracts
    • CAB Abstracts - Plant Sciences Abstracts
    • cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
    • EconLit (American Economic Association)
    • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
    • OneFile Business (Gale)
    • General OneFile (Gale)
    • CAB Global Health
    • Google Scholar
    • Info Trac (Gale)
    • Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
    • J-Gate
    • Pirabase (Smithers Pira)
    • ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
    • RePEc
    • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts

(NYP) = Not Yet Published