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International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (IJISD)

International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development

Title Author(s) Vol. and Issue nos. Page nos. Full-text article
The role of circular supply chains in sharing economy: literature review and conceptual frameworkPiotr C. SosnowskiVol.18 No.3350-379Free access
Environmental concerns and financial performance: evidence from the EU regulatory frameworkRicardo Correia; Carmen Mendoza; Nuria SuárezVol.18 No.3322-349Free access
Integrating knowledge for environmental innovations in research centres: the key role of industry-based boundary spannersThomas Lauvås; Marianne SteinmoVol.18 No.3293-321Free access
Does the adoption of circular economy principles impact the value proposition and performance of companies? Effects on the origin and sector of activity of the companiesPedro Mendonça Silva; J. Freitas Santos; Ana Flávia TorresVol.18 No.3276-292Free access
Sustainability in the food sector: a bibliometric and network analysis of the literatureSerena FilippelliVol.18 No.3257-275Free access
Evaluation of blockchain technology in the three dimensions of sustainability and sustainable development goals: a systematic literature reviewGiovana Catussi Paschoalotto; Paulo Sérgio de Arruda Ignácio; Muriel de Oliveira GaviraVol.18 No.3227-256Free access
Editorial: Covid-19: effects and innovation for future sustainabilityMunim Kumar Barai; Gour Gobinda Goswami; Mamta B. ChowdhuryVol.18 No.1/21-13Free access
EditorialPoonam Khurana; Priya Sharma; Garishma GulyaniVol.16 No.2133-134Free access