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European Journal of International Management (EJIM)

European Journal of International Management

The following articles showcase the range and quality of the content in the European Journal of International Management (EJIM)

Title Author(s) Vol. & Issue nos. Page nos. Full-text article
Openness towards language differences and cultural differences in multicultural teams: how do they interact?Jakob Lauring; Christina L. Butler; Minna Paunova; Timur Uman; Lena ZanderVol.24 No.11 - 24Free access
When the going gets tougher: international assignments, external shocks and the factor of genderSonja Sperber; Christian LinderVol.23 No.4537 - 567Free access
How to sample in necessary condition analysis (NCA)Jan DulVol.23 No.11 - 12Free access
Boosted by failure? Entrepreneurial internationalisation as a cyclical learning processLeila Hurmerinta; Niina Nummela; Eriikka Paavilainen-MäntymäkiVol.22 No.3337 - 353Free access
Development and fit of HRM over time in foreign subsidiaries: the case of Japanese subsidiaries in PolandTomasz Olejniczak; Fabian Jintae FroeseVol.22 No.152 - 79Free access
A state-of-the-art review on international strategic alliances: do we really know what we are researching?Susana C. Silva; Maria Elo; Jorma Larimo; Božidar Vlacic; Raquel MenesesVol.21 No.3400 - 439Free access
SMEs prefer JVs: why SMEs' equity entry mode choices are different from those of large firms?Maria Cristina Sestu; Alfredo D'Angelo; Antonio MajocchiVol.21 No.3489 - 508Free access
International entrepreneurship: analysing the current state of researchHongbo Li; Qi Kang; Andrea Calabrò; Sascha Kraus; Paul JonesVol.21 No.196 - 120Free access
Global value chains and liability of international connectivity: MNE strategy post COVID-19Sarah McWilliam; Bo Bernhard Nielsen; Constantina KottaridiVol.21 No.1121 - 139Free access