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Global Business and Economics Review (GBER)

Global Business and Economics Review

Title Author(s) Vol. and Issue nos. Page nos. Full-text article
Modelling stock market volatility using asymmetric GARCH models: evidence from BRICS stock marketsAyesha Siddiqui; Mohd ShamimVol.30 No.1107-127Free access
A conceptual approach: relationship between crisis, resilience, and entrepreneurial actionsShikha BhardwajVol.30 No.193-106Free access
Earnings management and bank fundingVan Dan Dang; Hoang Chung NguyenVol.30 No.172-92Free access
Modelling long memory dependence structure using FIGARCH-copula approach - evidence from major Asian stock marketsPankaj Kumar Gupta; Prabhat MittalVol.30 No.156-71Free access
Debt-based financing: a case study of Malaysian Islamic banksAbdul Muneem; Nor Fahimah Binti Mohd Razif; Abdul Karim Bin Ali; Muhammad Ikhlas RoseleVol.30 No.139-55Free access
A bibliometric analysis on foreign direct investmentHaitham Nobanee; Abeer Al Misleh; Lukas Christian Christnacht; Mohammed Bayzid; Salah Albeshr; Hiba Zaki ShantiVol.30 No.112-38Free access
Efficiency level of zakat funds for the social sector and poverty alleviation in IndonesiaSri Herianingrum; Fatimatuzzahro Fatimatuzzahro; Tika Widiastuti; R. Moh. Qudsi Fauzi; Syed Alamdar Ali ShahVol.30 No.11-11Free access