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International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)

International Journal of Sensor Networks

Title Author(s) Vol. and Issue nos. Page nos. Full-text article
NASA space station rolling bearings anomaly detection based on PARA-LSTM modelYingqian Zhang; Jiaye Wu; Hui Xie; Rongru Hua; Qiang LiVol.44 No.149-61Free access
Assessing deep learning performance in power demand forecasting for smart gridHengshuo Liang; Cheng Qian; Wei Yu; David Griffith; Nada GolmieVol.44 No.136-48Free access
An enhanced energy efficiency scheme for secure computing in UAV-MEC networksJin Qian; Xinmei Gao; Qinghe Gao; Hui Li; Yan Huo; Xiaoshuang XingVol.44 No.123-35Free access
Node WSN localisation based on adaptive crossover-mutation differential evolutionTrong-The Nguyen; Thi-Kien Dao; Truong-Giang Ngo; Trinh-Dong NguyenVol.44 No.11-22Free access