Characteristic evaluation of SkSP-T with special type double sampling plan as reference plan
by K. Pradeepa Veerakumari; S. Suganya
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM), Vol. 28, No. 3, 2019

Abstract: Acceptance sampling is one of the imperative methods used in statistical quality control through judgement a lot concerning its quality of 100% inspection and no inspection. Acceptance sampling plan is able to minimise the inspection cost and sampling error. It is a technique that deals with accepting or not the lot to be found on sampling inspection that delivers the quality of products manufactured by industries. This paper portrays designing procedure and development of skip-lot sampling plan of type SkSP-T with special type double sampling plan (STDSP) as reference plan which is designated as SkSTDSP-T. Operating characteristics and performance measures are derived, evaluated and tables involving incoming and outgoing quality levels are constructed for SkSTDSP-T plan. Tables are simulated by changing various parametric values of SkSP-T and STDSP plan. Table values are calculated, operating characteristic curve is drawn by using R (programming) language. Additionally, the efficiency of the proposed plan is discussed.

Online publication date: Fri, 08-Nov-2019

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