Service quality and customer delight: considering the mediating role of satisfaction and loyalty
by Ali Nazeri; Seyed Mohamad Mehdi Kazemi; Rozita Shahriyari; Maryam Jalali; Sadaf Roshani; Anita Motakiani
International Journal of Management Development (IJMD), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2022

Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to study the impact of service quality on customer delight while considering the mediating role of satisfaction and loyalty in Iran-Khodro Company. Nowadays, the role of the customer is obvious for saving the market share and development and improvement of the organisation. Therefore, studies on topics related to 'service quality as happiness', satisfaction and customer loyalty are necessary in order to serve the customer and provide an increasing customer base for companies and organisations in Iran, which is a developing country. The data gathered from a sample of 400 customers of Iran Khodro Company services revealed that the average score for service quality has low score and it is lower than 3 for customer delight, satisfaction and loyalty. The low score maybe due to one or more of the following factors - high price, inappropriate quality, weak responsiveness, poor after-sale services, etc. typically, there is a significant and direct relationship between service quality and customer's delight, satisfaction and loyalty.

Online publication date: Fri, 13-May-2022

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