Large-scale vehicle routing problem with massive precedence and cluster constraints
by Yongzhong Wu; Simin Huang; Yu Chen
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences (IJADS), Vol. 15, No. 4, 2022

Abstract: With the continuous development of the urban logistics industry, the vehicle routing problem (VRP) manifests in increasingly large-scale and complex scenarios. In this study, a realistic large-scale VRP with massive precedence and cluster constraints is studied. An artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is designed to solve the problem. A route repair procedure is devised to ensure the satisfaction of all the constraints in realistic-sized problems. The algorithms are used to solve a set of real instances for a courier company in China. For such large-scale problems, the improved ABC algorithm performs significantly better than the basic ABC algorithm without the route repair procedure. This study further analyses the sensitivity of the results to the values assigned to a series of weighting coefficients on the constraints and objectives. This provides the company with flexibility in its operations under different operating circumstances.

Online publication date: Mon, 04-Jul-2022

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