The role of the state apparatus in organisational capacity development: a case study in the Presidential Staff Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia
by Roy Tumpal Pakpahan; Abdul Hakim; Siti Rochmah; Endah Setyowati
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Vol. 11, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: Capacity building is a means to help governments, communities, and individuals to develop their abilities and knowledge to achieve organisational goals. This study aims to describe and comprehensively analyse whether capacity building will be effective if: 1) the organisations vision and mission are translated operationally and understood by all stakeholders in the organisation; 2) the policy system created has an adaptive ability to internal and external changes; 3) an efficient but effective organisational structure exists in supporting the implementation of main tasks and functions of the organisation; 4) there are improvements in managerial and leadership capabilities of personnel in certain positions; 5) there is development of human resources. The developmental model of the capacity building could be used to increase the effectiveness of the public policy formulation process, not only inside the Presidential Staff Office but also in the public institution and organisation.

Online publication date: Thu, 26-Jan-2023

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