A study on challenges of passenger transport system in Bhutan
by Madan Gurung; Elangbam Haridev Singh
International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making (IJMCDM), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2022

Abstract: The entire transport system is faced with challenges. The development of modern Bhutan depends on the robust transportation system as we heavily depend on the import of both goods and services. The role of the transport system is very crucial for any kind of economic development. Challenges from the perspective of economics, environment, social, and technological and operational aspects of transporters were studied using AHP. Transporters had a major issue with not having enough passengers for business operations. The study also shows depleting profit margins due to an increase in the number of taxis and buses in both areas of study, i.e., Thimphu and Phuentsholing. Apart from these challenges, the transport system in Bhutan is not disabled friendly. The drivers are also incurring health problems due to long engagement hours as well as family problems due to lack of family time. Hence, driving as a profession is not socially recognised.

Online publication date: Thu, 09-Feb-2023

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