Learning opportunities and research agenda enrichment: can science benefit from research service to industry?
by Vladimiro Verre; Darío Milesi; Natalia Petelski
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (IJTLID), Vol. 14, No. 4, 2022
Abstract: Science industry cooperation is crucial for the economic and social development of a country and the beneficial effects that such cooperation can generate on science deserve particular attention. The possibility of learning and strengthening R&D capacities and the possibility of enriching the research agenda and giving it greater relevance are two desirable objectives for science. While there is some consensus on the positive role of joint research, literature has paid little attention to such effects in the context of the research service and to the role played by industry contributions. This work intends to investigate how research service can generate learning and agenda enrichment opportunities for science. For this, a case study is carried out in three sectors, agrobiotechnology, biopharmaceutical and nanotechnology, in a developing country like Argentina. Among the main findings, four different categories within research service were identified with the presence of benefits for science in terms of learning and agenda in two of them; the possibility for public agenda to increase its social relevance and receive feedbacks on basic aspects; the existence of both a substitution and a complementary relationship between this scheme and joint research.
Online publication date: Fri, 10-Feb-2023
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