Life satisfaction and career satisfaction in a collectivist culture: the mediating and moderating mechanisms
by Ghulam Dastgeer; Muhammad Asad
Middle East J. of Management (MEJM), Vol. 10, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the impact of collectivism on working women's life and career satisfaction. The mediating role of family to work enrichment in the said relationship was also analysed. Additionally, family role salience was taken as the moderating variable between collectivism and family to work enrichment. Data were collected from a sample of working women, employing a cross- sectional study design with a purposive sampling technique. As anticipated, collectivism significantly predicted life and career satisfaction. The mediating effect of family to work enrichment was also found to be significant in the relationship between collectivism and life/career satisfaction. However, there was no support found for the moderating effect of family role salience between collectivism and family to work enrichment. The study findings, limitations and future research directions are discussed.

Online publication date: Mon, 01-May-2023

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