Performance investigation of reweighted zero attracting LMS-based dynamic voltage restorer for alleviating diverse power quality problems
by Humeera Altaf; Abdul Hamid Bhat
International Journal of Power Electronics (IJPELEC), Vol. 17, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) has proven to be the most coherent, effective and economic answer to voltage-based power quality problems. This work details the design, investigation and experimental validation of reweighted zero-attracting least mean square (RZA-LMS) based DVR addressing the issues like voltage sag, voltage swell, voltage harmonics, voltage imbalance and combination of these. The RZA-LMS based control algorithm is proposed for producing reference voltage signals. The features of proposed algorithm include finite-time convergence, simplicity and improvement in the robustness of the system against varying parameters. The viability of DVR controller is assessed by employing MATLAB/Simulink and Simpowersystem software. The performance of proposed DVR is experimentally investigated using digital real-time simulator.

Online publication date: Thu, 01-Jun-2023

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