Students' perception of extended producer's responsibility and business sustainability in Nigeria
by Isidore Ekpe; Justus Adim Nzemeka; Godwin Omogbai Ofeimun; Oluwafunmilayo Ajibola
International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE), Vol. 17, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: With particular reference to electronic waste disposal, this study seeks to examine youths' perception of the relationship between extended producer's responsibility and business sustainability in Nigeria. The result will enable Nigerian government and universities management to develop appropriate policies on waste disposal and recycling for cleaner and safer environment. The study samples the opinions of 432 final year students from two universities in the south region of Nigeria through proportionate stratified random sampling method. Analysing data with descriptive statistics and correlation methods, the study finds that Nigerian university students perceive a positive correlation between electronic waste recycling, human health and business innovation. Therefore, the government and universities management should develop appropriate policy to ensure proper disposal of e-waste by producers of electronic equipments in order to avoid harmful effect on human beings. This study is limited to private university students. Further studies can involve students in public universities in Nigeria.

Online publication date: Thu, 01-Jun-2023

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