Efficient area and throughput implementations of lightweight Simeck cipher for resource-constrained applications
by Kaluri Praveen Raja; Pulkit Singh; Zeesha Mishra; Bibhudendra Acharya
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), Vol. 43, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Each secure device is provided with an exclusive identifier and the ability to individually communicate with other devices over the network. Simeck is one of those ciphers that offer great security features while contributing a decent lightweight performance. In this paper, several efficient hardware architectures of Simeck cipher such as round-based, inner-round pipeline and mixed pipeline designs are proposed. Among these architectures, round-based architecture provides a better throughput to area trade-off and pipelining architecture gives high throughput for high-speed resource-constrained applications. All three architectures are evaluated and compared on the basis of throughput, area, and power consumption on different FPGA platforms. The proposed Simeck256 round-based design is ten times more efficient than LEA cipher implementation, in terms of efficiency and throughput is almost 12 times higher than HIGHT cipher implementation. An approximately 200% improvement in throughput is archived as compared to XTEA cipher implementation.

Online publication date: Fri, 30-Jun-2023

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