Socio-economic aspects as influencing factors in the maturity of local electronic government
by Nadine Victor Batista; Helena Carreiras; Alexandre Moraes Ramos
Electronic Government, an International Journal (EG), Vol. 19, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This article aims to analyse the influence of socio-economic aspects on the maturity of electronic government (e-government) in the local context through a comparative case study. From the results found by Batista et al. (2022) when evaluating the maturity of e-governments in 26 capitals of the Brazilian states, the influence of socio-economic aspects was analysed. Socio-economic factors were identified by a selection of indicators grouped into four categories: 'income and living conditions', 'internet users and connectivity', 'literacy' and 'municipality size'. The results showed a positive correlation between medium and strong of the maturity of e-government with some indicators selected for referred categories, namely: GDP per capita, per capita income, internet connection by fixed broadband, internet usage in households and degree of urbanisation of the municipality. From the analysis, it was concluded that these indicators represent a minimum set of socio-economic conditions necessary to reach the maturity of e-government.

Online publication date: Fri, 30-Jun-2023

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