A multistage sustainable inventory model with backorder, fuzzy parameters and decision variable for deteriorating items with imperfect production and reliability
by Surendra Vikram Singh Padiyar; Naveen Bhagat; Neha Punetha
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences (IJADS), Vol. 16, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: As the environment of industry becomes more competitive, management of the supply chain has become an essential part of industry. In this paper, a multi-echelon inventory model for deteriorating items with imperfect production and reliability under an inflationary environment has been developed. In this study, the single-producer and single-retailer are considered from the integrated point of view. Practically, it is observed that deterioration rate is almost uncertain in every supply chain therefore deterioration rate is taken as triangular fuzzy number. Shortage is allowed only in the retailer's part; imperfect production process is also considered but it is not reworkable in this supply chain. The main premise of this study is to get minimum cost by developing an integrated model for deteriorating items. Signed distance method is used to defuzzify the total cost function with two different demands for producer and retailer. Finally, a numerical example and sensitivity analysis are employed to illustrate the model.

Online publication date: Tue, 04-Jul-2023

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