Self-paced reading as a computer-based methodology for L2 assessment: a scoping review
by Liubov Darzhinova; Di Zou
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (IJMLO), Vol. 17, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: This scoping review illuminates the self-paced reading task as a computer-based methodology for second language (L2) reading assessment. To find support for this methodology, the authors explored the research foci, language contexts, and types of self-paced reading studies over five years (2016-2021), as well as the self-paced reading task's instruments and some significant study findings for L2 research. The review also showcases the most influential self-paced reading studies in the L2 context based on the author's affiliation, research venue, and citation data. As a result, this scoping review examines possibilities and hindrances in integrating computer-based self-paced reading tasks into L2 assessment.

Online publication date: Tue, 04-Jul-2023

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