Embracing green consumerism: revisiting the antecedents of green purchase intention for millennials and moderating role of income and gender
by Vijay Kumar Jain; Anu Gupta; Hemraj Verma; Vijay Prakash Anand
International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics (IJSAMI), Vol. 9, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: The world today is currently dealing with enormous environmental challenges. Deforestation, rising global temperatures, and rising sea levels are a few examples. All of these elements are increasing consumer awareness and reiterating how crucial it is to make sustainable decisions. The purpose of the study is to explore the antecedents of green purchase intention and to examine the moderating role of gender and income on intention and behaviour relationship. A theoretical framework was proposed to understand the antecedents of green purchase intention and its subsequent impact on behaviour. Structured questionnaire was designed to obtain the required information from respondents using an online survey. To evaluate the link between the construct, partial least square structural equation modelling was used. The finding shows that green product experience and eco-labelling are the most important antecedents of green purchase intention for millennials and further confirm the moderating effect of income and gender. The study offers marketers and policymakers useful insights. Knowledge of factors leading to green purchase intention would help marketers in devising marketing strategies to promote green consumption behaviour among millennials which will help in conservation of valuable resources, reduction of waste, and carbon footprint having positive impact of environment.

Online publication date: Tue, 04-Jul-2023

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