A novel comparison of data analytics and business intelligence tools: an information preservation and ledger management solution
by Danella Patrick; Abdullah Ayub Khan; Fayyaz Ali; Irfan Ali Kandhro; Mahnoor Anwar; Asadullah Kehar; Anwar Ali Sanjrani
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (IJESDF), Vol. 15, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This paper presents the comparison of data analytics, especially in business intelligence tools. A comparative analysis report is based on five data analytics/bi-tools that are mostly used in Pakistan, including tableau, Power BI, Zoho. This proposed analysis strategy provides an overview of how the tools behave/respond concerning their functionalities or domains, including data ingestion/data absorbing, data preparation and data cleaning, data modelling and transforming, data visualisation, data alerts, and data search. The year 2022 is bringing a lot of evaluation in the companies that work with a large amount of data from scrapping/ingesting to finding insights or outliers, whereas the main goal is to predict data fluctuations. Finding the right data analytics tool to find the insights and outliers according to the business need is the desire of every business analyst. The proposed report helps enterprises to move their manual work to an automated data analytics tool.

Online publication date: Wed, 05-Jul-2023

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